Title. Scrap House Quilt.
free piecing techniques. (2012) Ebook with video.
Ebooks Publisher:Vivebooks/Rainbow Books
ISBN: 978-906314-24-8.
To buy click on book cover.
Title. Scrap Quilts for babies and toddlers. (2010)
Ebooks Publisher:Vivebooks/Rainbow Books
ISBN: 978-1-906314-17-0
To buy click on book cover.
Title. Scrap Quilt Projects. (2008)
Ebooks Publisher:Vivebooks/Rainbow Books
ISBN: 978-1-906314-10-1
To buy click on book cover.
Title. Scrap Quilt Sensation (2007)
Publisher:David and Charles.
Title. Patchwork Postcards and Pinboard Quilts. (2007)
ebooks Publisher:Vivebooks/Rainbow Books
ISBN: 978-906314040
To buy click on book cover.
Title. Quilting from Start to Finish (2004)
Publisher: David and Charles
ISBN: 0-7153-1605-2
Title. Quilting Masterclass. (2002)
Publisher: Apple Press (UK) or Martingale (USA).
ISBN: 1-840932-380-6
Title. Simple to Sew: Patchwork and Quilting (1996)
Publisher: Batsford.
ISBN: 0-7134-7927-2
Title. Previously published in 1995 this is a new edition
The Encyclopedia of Quilting and Patchwork Techniques. (2016)
Publisher:Search Press.
ISBN: 978-1-78221-476-2
Title. The Quilting and Patchwork Project Book (1992)
Reprinted 1993 Publisher: Quintet Apple Press.
ISBN: 1-85076-481-6
Title How to Design and Make Your Own Quilts. (1991)
ISBN: 1-85076-276-7